Changing attitudes and actions take time. Coaching helps lawyers, consultants and other professionals get out of their own way and unleash their creative marketing potential. Whether you’re a confirmed rainmaker who wants to do more or a novice who’s ready to put in the effort, coaching can help you reach your goals. Individual coaching will help you:
- Improve existing relationships and create new ones
- Build referral sources
- Strategize on real opportunities
- Create and implement a realistic plan
- Follow through, even when you’re too busy or don’t know what to say
- Break through personal barriers
Stewart has coached hundreds of lawyers and other professionals to increase their business, in addition to providing customized and interactive business development workshops in a variety of practice areas. He works with attorneys in the following areas:
Business Development
- Helping lawyers focus on business development with the same level of intensity and professionalism that they bring to legal work
- Coaching them know what to say in the moment in ways that are comfortable and natural for them
- Helping them create realistic and achievable individual business plans and helping them implement those plans
- Providing strategic and tactical business development advice
- Suggesting action items, designed to successfully enhance relationships and secure long-term clients
- Holding them accountable to their objectives
Download my Menu of Coaching Services or email s.hirsch@strategicrelationships.com.
Strategic Planning
- Practice group/small firm strategic Planning: Work with practice groups to develop a strategic plan including implemention planning and coaching around implementation. Includes working with the team to:
- Create a vision
- Determine objectives aligned with the vision
- Develop strategies aligned with the objectives
- Create real action items with timelines
- Assign responsibilities
- Address accountability